Benefits of Watermelon

Benefits of Watermelon

There are numerous benefits of Watermelon. It contains proteins, vitamin B, magnesium, folate, phosphorus, iron, potassium, copper, zinc etc. These are all important elements for the body. Also watermelon seeds help to increase immunity. The presence of magnesium helps to smooth out high blood pressure. As watermelon seeds are very low in calories, you can eat them as snacks, either dried or in roasted form. They also contain iron, potassium, minerals and vitamins. You can either bite these seeds like nuts or use them to extract seed oil. Eating its…

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Banana for Skin Care

Skin Care using Banana

There are many fruits which help you in Skin care. Banana is one of them. Skin care using Banana is a set of simple tips. We will have a look at one of them in this article. Hard wool, sweat, dust and pollution cause the natural glow on your skin to disappear. Pale and lifeless skin interferes with your beauty. It is important to follow a regular skin care routine to avoid these problems. The easiest way to prevent skin damage in summer is to keep the skin hydrated. For…

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Benefits of Coconut Water

Benefits of Coconut Water

There are numerous benefits of Coconut water. It is effective not only for health, but also for beauty. Drinking coconut water on a regular basis or massaging your hair and skin can open up your beauty. Let us know how benefits of Coconut Water. Regular consumption of Coconut water in summer, helps for your entire body. In a few days, your face will have a natural glow. In short, it increases the radiance on your skin. Applying coconut water on the skin and hair is also beneficial. This water works…

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Sugar and Arthritis
Health care

Sugar Consumption and Arthritis

Is there any relation between Sugar Consumption and Arthritis ? To know more, read this article. Generally patients with arthritis are advised not to eat Sugar or at least to reduce its consumption considerably. Excessive intake of sugar may cause swelling in the joints of the body. This in turn increases the risk of arthritis. Be careful if you have arthritis problems and constant swelling of the body. This is because it may be a sign of increased sugar levels in your body. Numerous studies have shown that patients with…

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