health and fitness

Useful exercises for getting a slim waist

By controlling the diet, one can reduce the fat around his/her stomach up to some extent, but if one really wants a thin waist, then along with controlled diet, certain exercises are recommended. Skipping Rope Rope skipping is a great practice for thinning the waist. It increases your metabolic rate as well.It makes the stomach muscles strong, which in turn has double effect on the waist. Initially one can start with only one minute of rope skipping, then rest for 15 seconds. Repeat this action five times. Gradually increase the…

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What is Ayurveda – Benefits of Ayurveda Lifestyle

What is Ayurveda? Ayurveda started in India over 5,000 years back and is the oldest  healthcare system. Ayurveda treats humans, as natural beings, and believe that they fall under same rules and laws as all other natural beings. If we choose to ignore these laws, then imbalances will begin to appear, which can lead to conflict and disease in the mind and body. An Ayurvedic approach treats every person, specifically considering their mental and physical conditions. Uneven characters in the body are assessed through the arrangement of the five components:…

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